Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Rather odd...

Something feels rather odd about a Buddhist decoracting a Christmas tree in a business establishment managed by Hindu folks. The first of our clientele to see said tree after it was decorated was Muslim. Too weird.

© 2007 Sapphire @

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Stalking the wild ephemeris

Someone asked me a couple of questions about an ephemeris.
Here's the poop...

An ephemeris is a table that shows the positions of the plaets and other celestial bodies. It is usually organized in a day-to-day format with the positions shown for noon (12h) Greenwich Mean Time (GMT). By the way, GMT is sometimes called "Universal Time" (UT). An example of an ephemeris is shown, below:

In the example, the Sun is positioned at 16°30'51" in the sign of Sagittarius. The Moon is shown as being located at position 8°23' of the sign Sagittarius. An excellent ephemeris may be otained online — free for personal use — at AstoDienst. Hardcopies of several ephemerides may also be purchased at most bookstores in the "Astronomy" section for $10 or under.

Please note that positions given for celestial bodies might differ slightly from ephemeris to ephemeris. Differences could be a result of the different algorithms being used to calculate the position of the objects, or it could be that one ephemeris is showing astronomical positions rather than astological positions (see "Precession of the Equinoxes" for an explanation).

© 2007 Sapphire @

Monday, November 26, 2007


My head is spinning, but I think [hope] it will stop soon. The past few weeks/months have felt like an absolute blur. At first I was pulling 7-days-per-week at work with rotating shifts a few 12-16 hour days and only a day-or-two off here-and-there. Then, suddenly the business slows-down to a crawl and my hours have been cut back. WTF?!?!?

All through it, days blended together and I actually had to look at the calendar to see what day of the week it was. There was also mad, scurrying to build a new winter wardrobe after losing so much weight that my old winter clothes would not fit, dealing with car troubles (His as well as mine), coaxing the old washing machine through its final death throes, switching cell phone providers and getting the new service established, tweaking my diet again to bring my cholesterol back within range (yes, again, dammit), trying to obtain assistance to get my prescription meds ordered (they ran out months ago and I couldn't afford to get them refilled), and dealing with a multitude of other little things that life throws in one's path.

So, yeah, my head has been spinning. Some of the things are finally falling into place. We don't have a new washing machine yet because of financial constraints, but we have worked-out an equitable routine for getting the laundry done until we can get a replacement. Some of my meds are on the way at a discount, finally, and it looks like the others might be available within another month or two. The major repairs to the cars seem to finally be over, with only small tweaks remaining. And I now have clothes to wear that fit, thanks to some recent sales and perusals of the "clearance" racks at a few shops.

With hours cut-back, I will now begin to have some regular time-off to chill, catch up on things, and hopefully be able to feel "normal" again. w00t!

...if feeling "normal" is even an option for a psychochick like me...

© 2007 Sapphire @

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Got wireless-Web?

I like looking at the moon & I found some ringtones I wanted to share. If you can do wireless-Web on your phone, go to to see the current moon phase or download the ringtones! It is my own page & it is FREE!

Leave a comment here if you like the page and I might add to it. Enjoy!

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