I posted this entry in my blog last year.
For whatever reasons, I feel motivated to repost it this year, too.
During this darkest time of year, many people decorate their houses with pretty lights. I love the darkness — it is peaceful & mysterious, comforting & enfolding like a womb, giving seeds and ideas the possibility of germinating. However, I love pretty lights, too!
Many people associate the lights with religious traditions rather than the original intent of merely "brightening the dark time of the year with a little cheer." We do not observe any holiday in our household this time of year, other than my quiet acknowledgement of the arrival of the Solstice. We prefer a year-round celebration of the Light of the human soul, illuminating the darkness of our being.
In our happy home, there are no trees, no stockings, no gifts, nor are there any dreidels spinning, no menorrah being lit. He is a Bright, and I am a Buddhist. Both of us were born into homes that strictly followed religious observances, but both of us believe that following one's heart is more important than following the herd. There is awesome power and beauty to stand as a wild creature on the mountain precipice and look down upon the gleaming valley below.
All year long, I try to hold as much love in my heart as I can for myself and for other human beings. I believed in recycling things before it was considered fasionable. I respect Mother Earth, and believe in treating everything with respect and acting with personal accountability. I believe in the beauty and power of the human soul, and I believe in a connectedness to All Things that exists as the Universal Consciousness, that thing I call "Goddess." I do not believe there is an actual "Being" that needs to lift us, pitifully, out of our wallow in misery. We need to lift ourselves. We can do it, We have the Power. My partner's beliefs are different than mine, but are similar and harmonize with mine.
For those that see the light, we wish you cheer.
For those that feel the darkness, we wish you cheer.
For those that are lifting themsleves, we wish you cheer.
For those that are waiting to be lifted, we wish you cheer.
Whatever your beliefs, whatever your path, know that We wish you cheer... and peace.
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