Monday, June 30, 2008

Redesign of Photo Album

Seriously sexy man, with his shades!  That's my sweetie! Whoo hooo!

I just did a major overhaul of the PhotoAlbum on my personal website.  Not only does the album have a new layout, but there are new photos there (as well as some new "old" ones), and a new viewer that makes it easier to flip through the pics.

To access the new album, just click on the "PHOTOS" link in the menu to the left of the page. As usual, if you see any problems, please let me know!

© 2008 Sapphire Words @

Saturday, June 28, 2008

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This blog entry is being posted from my cell phone, as a test. :)

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Viva Los Estados Unidos!

The following excerpt is from the article "Law and Disorder," from the June 16, 2008, issue of TIME magazine:
"Just a few decades ago, Mexico City boasted some of the lowest crime rates on the continent. That changed when the Mexican economy crashed in 1995, throwing millions out of work.  In the following years, Mexico usurped Colombia as the drug-trafficking center of the Americas, unleashing heaps of crack cocaine, guns and narco dollars onto the street. Kidnappings, crajackings, rape, auto theft, burglary and murder followed and have become a near daily menace, creating an atmosphere or fear and suspicion in the streets. Despite a decade of periodic crackdowns, including a nationwide war against the drug trade launched by Mexican President Filipe Calderón in 2006 and mammoth anticrime marches, crime is still one of the key difficulties afflicting the 20 million people living in Mexico City's greater urban sprawl.

"Similar stories can be heard from urban jungles the world over. In Moscow, Lagos and Johannesburg, violent crime is one of the top fears of residents and visiting businessmen.  It raises the cost of commerce, scares off businesses and clients and causes immense suffering. In Mexico, the insecurity has continued into the 21st century even as the economy stabilized -- violent crime is, in a sense, and industry -- and police have appeared powerless to stop it, with 95% of crimes going unsolved."
I can't help but wonder if many of the cities and towns in the United States are headed towards a similar fate if something isn't done to improve the economy of this country. Just this week, Yahoo News carried an Associated Press story Biggest jobless jump since '86 which states that the national unemployment rate "zoomed to 5.5 percent in the biggest one-month jump in decades."  Also, another news release this week reported that, "United Airlines, the second-largest US carrier, said it will lay off 950 pilots amid plans to reduce domestic flights in the face of skyrocketing fuel prices."  That, coupled with other airlines probably following suit, will make the situation worse.  Every month, more and more companies are moving Call Centers and manufacturing facilities overseas to reduce costs.

Unfortunately, the unemployment statistics cannot tell the entire story. A woman with a degree in Business Administration, and who had worked as a secretary for many years, came to my place of business recently and told me about her new job vacuuming cars at local car wash because she could no longer find secretarial work in any of the local offices.  And she told me this while I was at my job, which pays minimum-wage, because I haven't been able to find a job that is commensurate with my education, training and experience, either.  The manager at one of the local McDonald's restaurants has a Bachelor's degree in Accounting, but was unable to find a job as an accountant -- and makes more money managing a fast-food restaurant than he could at an accounting firm, shockingly enough. There is much disparity in our workforce today that the unemployment statistics can't show!

I don't want to see our wonderful country suffer the same fate as Mexico City, Moscow, Lagos, Johannesburg and other cities.  I want us to survive and THRIVE!

Yet through all this, there was an advertisement on my local television station recently that had the audacity to state that our economy is the best it has been in years, thanks to the Republicans. And, yes, the ad was paid for by the local Republican contingent. Liars and bastards.

© 2008 Sapphire Words @

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Solsticing, or lack thereof

I didn't really do much "solsticing" this past weekend since I am still recuperating from the sinus infection. I am mostly okay now, but still have one place on my back where soreness remains, as if someone pummelled me with their fists. Sometimes it hurts to just to move and its been like that for several days. And then, clumsy me, I ran into a table with quite a bit of force two nights ago and have been limping from the pain in my leg. Given another day or so, my leg will be fine, though, especially after I work tonight and walk a bit more on it. So, I drummed a little bit and looked up at Mother Moon, but that's about all I did. Kinda blah for a solstice celebration, really, but hey, we do what we can.

© 2008 Sapphire Words @

Sunday, June 22, 2008


Those of you who read my blog regularly (and I am really not sure who all of you are) probably noticed a small change recently — the addition of a "SUBSCRIBE" button at the top of this blog. If you have clicked on it, you will see that you can now have blog entries sent to your email automatically every time a new entry is published. That will keep you from having to remember to come here every so often to see if I have published some new entries or not.

Anyone interested can take advantage by sending an email to with the word "SUBSCRIBE" as the "Subject" line.

To undo the process, send another email to with "UNSUBSCRIBE" as the "Subject" line.

If I know you and we have emailed recently, that will be sufficient. If we have not emailed recently, please also type a line or two in the body of the email to let me know who you are and how you stumbled across my blog.

To those of you who opt to have my insane ramblings emailed directly to you, HAPPY READING!

© 2008 Sapphire Words @

Friday, June 20, 2008

There shall be dancing

Summer Solstice.

Scientifically, it is the day when the sun reaches its northermost point on the earth, the Tropic of Cancer. The "sol" part of the word refers to the sun, and "stice" means "standing," because the sun briefly appears to "stands still," changing from a northward journey to a southward direction again. Of course, it is the earth doing the moving that causes this phenomenon, not the sun, but we humans often tend to describe things from our limited perspective.

Midsummer's Day.

Traditionally, it is the day when the ancient peoples celebrated the midpoint of the "hot" season on the calendar.  It marked the time when many herbs, beneficial to healing as well as cooking, came into their prime and romps were made through the woods and fields to collect them.  It marked the time when wild berries and fresh vegetables were plentiful.  It marked the time when the fae (known in various cultures as sidhe, faeries, or "little people") most prominently flitted about, mostly by night, weaving their magic and entrapping the unwary human with their power and wonder.

If you believe in angels, then don't laugh at the notion of faeries for they are likely cousins, cut of the same cloth.

If you don't believe in angels, then surely you will at least concede the fey quality that some of us humans have — those of us who dance to the beat of our own drummers... those of us who celebrate the wild, untamed aspects of ourselves... those of us who immerse ourselves into Life with reckless abandon...  those of us humans who have those fey qualities can be your faeries.

And if you look closely, and at the right time, us faeries will be drumming and dancing this weekend under that beautiful, wild, untamed Mother Moon.

© 2008 Sapphire Words @

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Celebrity look-alikes

Thanks to my friend Heron, I found a fun website. has tools for tracing one's family tree.  I have done some genealogical research on other online sites, but perhaps this one will have some tools that will make the information I have from other sources more complete!

Their website also features a toy called the Look-alike Meter™.  Once you upload a photo of yourself that clearly shows your face, facial-recognition software kicks into gear and matches your features to well-known celebrities.  Fun!

The Celebrity Look-a-like Meter matched me to the following celebrities, based on three photos of myself that I uploaded.

My top match was with Brazilian supermodel Ana Beatriz Barros (shown in another photo, at right).

Now, I only have one question.  If my face looks so much like hers, is there any way I can have a luscious, 26-year-old body again, too?  Plz plz plz?

© 2008 Sapphire Words @

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Jesus was a Liberal

If you don't believe that Jesus was a Liberal, then you haven't been reading your Bible. How would Jesus vote? In favor of big-business, war, and tax cuts for the rich?  Or with compassion for the common people, bringing about much-needed change and social reform?

I think the answer is quite clear.  As for me, I choose to vote for the good of the common people, in the tradition of Jesus and Buddha.

When Jesus rode into Jerusalem, he was on a donkeynot an elephant!

© 2008 Sapphire Words @

Monday, June 16, 2008

URI (not Geller)

Believe it or not, there is only one "walk-in" clinic left in my city.  All the others that we had have converted to clinics that require appointments, like people can plan when they get sick.  Sheesh!  So, anyway, I went to that one clinic and amazingly I was the only patient there!  Whoo hooo!

I do, indeed, have an "Upper Respiratory Infection" (URI) like my husband does, although our symptoms are quite different.  The provider wrote me a prescription for Amoxicillin 500mg, 10-day regimen.  Hopefully the stuff with kick into gear soon.

I am glad the drug company makes drugs and not home furnishings.  The pills are a maroon and yellow combination...

© 2008 Sapphire Words @

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Exhausted and hurting

I am exhausted, but I am hurting too badly to sleep.  I tossed-and-turned for a solid hour in the bed and was so feeling so miserable I got back up.  I feel like someone has pounded their fists into my back and legs until it hurts to move even one little muscle.  My throat hurts every time I swallow and it feels like there is a tangerine stuck in my throat.  I feel feverish and swimmy-headed.  Isn't it strange how a microscopic organism can do that to ya?

My husband went to the doctor this past Friday and was diagnosed with an Upper Respiratory Infection, so I guess that is what I have, too — he is the only person I've been around lately that is sick. Damned bacteria.

Earlier today, I called my father to wish him a [relatively] happy Fathers' Day.  He told me that the bandage was taken off his hip yesterday!  It seems that enough healing has taken place to the incision and the seepage has stopped — definitely a good sign!  During his Physical Therapy yesterday, though, he twisted his bad knee again (the one with the arthritis in it, his natural knee) and has been a bit of pain with it since.  But he is improving, sounding better, eating better, and was in reasonably-good spirits! 

I have always been in a quandary about the name of this holiday.  Shouldn't it be "FATHERS' DAY" — the day to honor all fathers — rather than "FATHER'S DAY" — the day to honor just one father, as the calendars imply?  So, I looked for an explanation. According to Wikipedia,
"Although the rules of English grammar indicate that the holiday should be called "Fathers' Day" (as it is a plural possessive), common usage dictates that the ostensibly singular possessive "Father's Day" is the preferred spelling."
Stupid ostensibility.

© 2008 Sapphire Words @

This blog entry posted as a test via SunCom iNotes Plus.

Buddha photo

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Obama icons for your profiles!

Swipe 'em! Use 'em!



© 2008 Sapphire Words @

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Pink Elephant

Someone called and offered to give me a pink elephant because they make good pets.  Pink elephants like to eat strawberries.  Can I have a pink elephant?

© 2008 Sapphire Words @

Friday, June 6, 2008

Double double trouble trouble

So, I get this text message last night from one of my girlfriends who lives far, far away.  She was at her local airport to meet someone.  Her text message read:
OMG! There's a woman at the airport who looks EXACTLY like you! And she's with a man who looks just like Don but with black hair.  It's freaking me out!"
I would have loved to have seen a pic of the couple that looked so much like my darling and me!  Even more, though, I would have loved to see the look on my girlfriend's face when she saw them! 

© 2008 Sapphire Words @

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Back into the routine

Wow, getting back into the routine of work and such.  Going back in tonight for the "Graveyard Shift" for the first time in a couple of weeks.  Hope it's not too hard a night.  Since my boss has been working extra hours so that I could have time-off to be with my family, I offered to work tomorrow night for him (it is one of my regularly-recurring days-off each week, per the schedule).  He said he would let me know.

© 2008 Sapphire Words @