The following excerpt is from the article
"Law and Disorder," from the June 16, 2008, issue of
TIME magazine:
"Just a few decades ago, Mexico City boasted some of the lowest crime rates on the continent. That changed when the Mexican economy crashed in 1995, throwing millions out of work. In the following years, Mexico usurped Colombia as the drug-trafficking center of the Americas, unleashing heaps of crack cocaine, guns and narco dollars onto the street. Kidnappings, crajackings, rape, auto theft, burglary and murder followed and have become a near daily menace, creating an atmosphere or fear and suspicion in the streets. Despite a decade of periodic crackdowns, including a nationwide war against the drug trade launched by Mexican President Filipe Calderón in 2006 and mammoth anticrime marches, crime is still one of the key difficulties afflicting the 20 million people living in Mexico City's greater urban sprawl.
"Similar stories can be heard from urban jungles the world over. In Moscow, Lagos and Johannesburg, violent crime is one of the top fears of residents and visiting businessmen. It raises the cost of commerce, scares off businesses and clients and causes immense suffering. In Mexico, the insecurity has continued into the 21st century even as the economy stabilized -- violent crime is, in a sense, and industry -- and police have appeared powerless to stop it, with 95% of crimes going unsolved."
I can't help but wonder if many of the cities and towns in the United States are headed towards a similar fate if something isn't done to improve the economy of this country. Just this week, Yahoo News carried an Associated Press story
Biggest jobless jump since '86 which states that the national unemployment rate
"zoomed to 5.5 percent in the biggest one-month jump in decades." Also, another
news release this week reported that,
"United Airlines, the second-largest US carrier, said it will lay off 950 pilots amid plans to reduce domestic flights in the face of skyrocketing fuel prices." That, coupled with other airlines probably following suit, will make the situation worse. Every month, more and more companies are moving Call Centers and manufacturing facilities overseas to reduce costs.
Unfortunately, the unemployment statistics cannot tell the entire story. A woman with a degree in Business Administration, and who had worked as a secretary for many years, came to my place of business recently and told me about her new job vacuuming cars at local car wash because she could no longer find secretarial work in any of the local offices. And she told me this while I was at my job, which pays minimum-wage, because I haven't been able to find a job that is commensurate with my education, training and experience, either. The manager at one of the local McDonald's restaurants has a Bachelor's degree in Accounting, but was unable to find a job as an accountant -- and makes more money managing a fast-food restaurant than he could at an accounting firm, shockingly enough. There is much disparity in our workforce today that the unemployment statistics can't show!
I don't want to see our wonderful country suffer the same fate as Mexico City, Moscow, Lagos, Johannesburg and other cities. I want us to survive and
THRIVE!Yet through all this, there was an advertisement on my local television station recently that had the audacity to state that our economy is the best it has been in years, thanks to the Republicans. And, yes, the ad was paid for by the local Republican contingent. Liars and bastards.

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