Thursday, January 4, 2007

Re·creation of the Night

i re·create the night
with clouds
of curtains
to hide the patriarchal sun
from view
with candles
and incense
jasmine blooms
low-forged from the root
of my being
where fires burn
at the base of spine
and subconscious
coils like a snake
as words of power form
and arise from the ashes
like the phoenix
in arid zonas
of my psyche
shadows of thoughts
shadows of feelings
shadows of Being
Horus sleeps
Netphytys walks
not gods, really,
but symbols
clanging cymbals
to keep us a·wake
a·wash in wakefulness
lest we forget
three times
the bell rings
and then
it is done

© 2007 Sapphire @

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