Tuesday, June 5, 2007

In labor

My neck and shoulders have been killing me for the past four or five days. My feet and legs ache every night. Tonight, for the first time, my lower back is hurting a twinge, too.

Don't get me wrong, I am grateful for this job! But why couldn't I have landed an office job like I've had for the past 27 years...??? I'm used to sitting at desks and conference tables to do most of my work, which has ranged from answering phones to managing projects/people to managing the entire frikking office. Hopefully, I will become acclimated to the physical labor before it kills me. Standing/walking for most of the shift, and doing all the bending/lifting, is the pits. If I were still in my 20s or 30s, it wouldn't be any sweat at all, but to suddenly be thrown into a position such as this is taking its toll on my 50-something-year-old body!

What I would give right now for a good massage or a shoulder-rub... *sigh*

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