Thursday, August 7, 2008


Mom was able to have the colonoscopy today, finally. The hospital's gastrointerologist (Prostko) found a small tumor (3 cm in size) located in her ascending colon. He did a biopsy on it and sent it off to be tested for malignancy.

His recommendation is that it be removed, even if it is benign. He asked another physician (Rosenburg, apparently a resident or intern) to act as temporary liason with the surgical staff to coordinate further treatment. Rosenburg reported later that Mom's case was not considered "life threatening" and as such might take several days for the surgical staff to work her into their schedule. Furthermore, Medicare would likely not pay for additional hospital stay in a non-life-threatening situation until a surgeon was actually ready to remove the tumor.  Mom's case was referred to a surgeon (Wheeler) and that we should contact his office directly in about 10 days to schedule the procedure.

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