Likewise, each blog entry's title has a purpose, too, either evident or hidden between the lines. Or some sick pun that is floating through my twisted mind, of course. If one digs deeper, one might induce more understanding into what is being said.
All of this said, mind you, assuming that someone cares. Meh.
Anyway, today was a frustrating day which tried my patience. Yesterday was much more a difficult day on a physical level because of the major cleanup of floor and linens. But today tried my patience on a level that was more mental, or emotional, or somewhere in-between.
I really began to wonder what on earth my mother would do if she had to serve as caregiver for someone like herself. What would she do if her patient refused to eat after having a major surgery? What would she do if, when her patient did manage to eat a few bites, that she had to idly stand beside the bed while the patient would only accept one bite perhaps every five minutes or so? Furthermore, what would she do if her patient continued to make chewing-motions with her mouth even after it was apparent the teensy little bite of food had already been swallowed? What would she do if her patient refused to even attempt to sit up a little every day and had to be practically forced to get up occasionally and use the potty? What would she do if she had multiple loads of laundry to wash each day becuse her patient refused to wear Depends® disposable underwear while wetting and soiling herself at night (which apparently is common right after colon surgery)? What would she do if she handed the telephone to her patient, whose brother were calling to check on her, and the patient held the phone as shown in today's image — no joke — repeatedly saying, "Hello? Hello?" and wondering why she couldn't hear anybody?
If I am at such a loss as to how to get Mom to eat like she should, drink enough fluids each day, and get up to walk and exercise as she is supposed to be doing, I seriously wonder how good a caregiver I am.
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