Mom was asleep when we arrived today, as usual, but seemed to be resting rather well. Nurses and Physical Therapists came in this afternoon and moved her to the big chair in the corner of the room for two or three hours. The process of moving her seemed to hurt her tremendously and she seemed
out-of-her-head with pain and restless the entire time, but the staff said it was necessary to have her sitting up for a bit. When they moved her back to the bed, she seemed relieved. Shortly afterwards, I took a stretch-break down the hall. When I returned, Dad reported that Mom woke up briefly and even was able to talk to him a little! That is the first time in several days that we have actually spoken to her more than a simple question and simple answer
(e.g., "Are you hurting?" -"Yes, all over." -and then she's asleep again). So, there seems to be a little progress today! w00t!
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