Saturday, September 13, 2008

Sympathy pains?

I swear to goddess I am not a "Drama Queen" — or at least I don't think I am.  I feel most happy when nothing extraordinary is happening, when everything is so mundane that all I have to blog about are stupid, silly things.

Anyway, I felt fine yesterday morning when we went to the hospital to see Mom. However, when I went to sit down in the chair in the corner, I felt a dull ache in my left hip. No biggie — I get those sometimes when I sleep on one side too long, and it always goes away before much time passes. Except today.

The further into the day, the more my hip hurt, and the pain transformed from a dull ache to a sharp, stabbing pain every time I moved my left hip. In fact, it was so bad that I had trouble doing the simplest things. When I started to sit down on the sofa, I could only lower my butt a few inches before it felt like a knife was being thrust into my hip and I had to stand up again. I wore a pair of elastic-waist, pull-on pants yesterday instead of a skirt, and I thought I'd never get them off last night.  Pulling down panties and trying to sit on the toilet seat to tinkle was excruciating and became a major task.

I finally discovered that if I kept my left leg straight and kind of "rolled" towards my right side — always keeping my left leg straight,  I could manage to sit down.  No matter what position in which I tried to sit, or whatever position I tried when finally lying down to sleep, hurt immensely. The whole while, though, I knew that whatever pain I was feeling was nothing compared to the pain my father recently felt when he broke his hip.  It did give me a better appreciation for how difficult his life became with that simple fall.

I didn't sleep well last night and there is still a lot of pain this morning, but I have to keep going with it, just being very slow and careful, and taking Motrin® to keep the pain somewhat at bay. Like I need this on top of everything else...

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