Thankfully, today was not so hard a day dealing with Mom as some days have been — at least on a physical level. Her disposable undies were not wet when we woke her this morning, and we managed to get her to the disposable potty to pee and back to the bedside with a relative minimum of effort
(it only took about 30 minutes this time! yay!). She drank about seven ounces of apple juice and ate a small dish of banana pudding for breakfast, not the most healthy of breakfast foods, perhaps, but at least she ate
something and there was a lot of banana in it. She ate nothing at lunch but was hungry again for an early supper, eating a few bites of pound cake, four bites of baked fish, five bites of stewed apples, and drank another seven ounces of apple juice.
The disturbing thing was that she was in a flaked-out state of mental confusion virtually
all day, rather than becoming increasingly that way near the end of the day as usually happens. She was chattering about all sorts of strange things that seemingly had no relation to one another. Sometimes mental confusion of this sort can be caused when anesthesia is administered to senior citizens, and sometimes the effects are long-term or permanent. It could also be the result of some early-stage dementia or Alzheimer's Disease (AD) that develops in some people as they age. At this point, we don't know what it is, but it is definitely frightening and difficult to handle.
Based on all inputs, my brother is leaning towards the conclusion that Mom has simply
"given up," even though she came through the surgery successfully. With each passing day, I am more convinced that he is correct.

Three small mountains, called "The Three Sisters," as seen from a spot near my parents' house._____
And now for a bit of much-needed levity, gleaned from T-shirts for sale in a catalogue that my mother received in the mail:

Sometimes I wonder,
"Why is that frisbee getting bigger?" and then it hits me.

Can I blame my hot flashes on Global Warming?

I'm going compostal for the environment

Careful, or you'll end up in my novel

To err is human. To Arrrr is pirate.

What I really need are
Even my imaginary friend doesn't like you

I'm so far over the hill I've started up the next one

Just be happy I'm not a twin

Come to the dark side. We have cookies!

I'm sick of political ads
(and I approved this message)
I have a perfect body; it's your vision that's shot

I'm not Obsessive-Compulsive; I'm Super-Meticulous

Deja Moo: the feeling you've heard this bull before
and, finally a shirt my husband would appreciate, because he reminds me frequenly:
it is what it is© 2008 Sapphire Words @ Blogspot.com
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