Sunday, October 5, 2008

Give us this day

For brunch, Mom ate two bites of an over-easy egg and drank four ounces of apple juice. That's it. She asked for the egg — and toast,too — and I prepared them exactly as I have done for her in the past. After her two bites of egg, however, she started yelling about how "horrible" it was and demanded that Dad take it away. There was no cheese in her breakfast, only an over-easy fried egg and a piece of toast, but she mistakenly thought the yolk of the egg was cheese refused to believe otherwise. She insisted, "I know what cheese looks like, and that is cheese, and it is horrible!" She wouldn't even take a bite of the toast she had requested.

Changing her clothes & bedding was as big an ordeal as it always has been. I can hardly wait for tomorrow when we can request a Home Health Aide.

One of the ladies at Mom & Dad's church enjoys baking homemade bread, and often brings loaves of freshly-baked bread for the folk there. When I saw Dad coming in the door with a small bag in his hand, I knew Mrs. Campbell had been baking again!

Mom took her evenings meds, but refused to eat any supper. Evenings are not good for her to interact with the real world, as her own little world holds too much sway.

I was telling at least one reader of this blog about the computer carts that the hospital has for staff to wheel their computers about from room-to-room. Each cart has a space for the CPU, keyboard, flat-screen monitor, and a WiFi anmtenna thingie. From anywhere they are within the facility, they're connected to the hospital's network without having to schlep a laptop!

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