Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Mom got up!

For the first time in several days, Mom got up today for more than just a visit to the bedside potty. She allowed Dad and me to escort her to the table where she ate a small bowl of homemade soup with Dad and me. She spent the whole afternoon in the den, first in her recliner and then on the sofa. She ate a little more soup with Dad and me for supper before going off to bed. Wow.

The view of Glassy Mountain shown at the top of this blog entry is about as close as one can get to the granite face of the mountain from public land. To get closer would require hiking through people's private property, or ascending the mountain via the public road on the other side and hiking down to the granite face. Hiking down from the summit is easy, and one time I enjoyed a picnic with a friend while we were perched atop the granite face admiring the view of the piedmont below.

If you examine the enlarged snippet (shown at right) of the main photo, you might catch a glimpse of some white paint on the granite face. As far back as I can remember, high schoolers like to paint the last two digits of their graduation year on the mountain as a teenage prank. Most of the numbers are painted largely enough to be visible from miles away. Examination of the mountain in aerial photos or Google Earth will also easily show the numbers.

It seems a shame to have a lovely little mountain defaced in such a way, but at least it gives the kids something to do to keep them from getting into worse trouble. Although I was not one of the party who did it, I have to admit to a grin and a bit of pride when I finally saw the giant appear on Glassy's face thirty-five years ago. 

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