Sunday, September 21, 2008

Different sort of birthday

Dad woke me up at 6:00 this morning with a request for help getting Mom and the bed cleaned-up, again. Ack! It wasn't too bad, though. Afterwards, I fixed breakfast for Dad, had one cup of coffee myself, and then went back to bed for a couple of hours while he got ready for church.

Even though we are 150 miles apart, my husband put a smile on my face first thing this morning by leaving a "Happy Birthday" message in my VoiceMail. He actually sang to me in a way that reminded me of the famous Marilyn Monroe birthday song except it was his sexy voice instead! Whoo hooo! 

I checked on Mom mid-morning and she was hungry, so I fixed breakfast for her, too. She ate pretty well and Dad returned from church as she was finishing. He helped her to the bathroom. I filled the hummingbird feeder with nectar and then moved it to a branch of the fig tree so Mom could see it while she is in bed. Then I fixed lunch for Dad, grabbed a cinnamon bun for myself, washed dishes, did another load of laundry, wrote out a grocery list, took a little nap, showered, dried my hair, fixed supper, cleaned the kitchen, and now I am InterWebbing... 

On the way back to Mom & Dad's house, I will stop by the grocery store and do our weekly shopping. If I have the energy this evening, I might make myself a birthday cake when I get the groceries put away. If I don't have the energy, then hey, I didn't need it anyway 'cause I don't wanna be a fat chick, yanno?

Every year on my birthday, my friend Karla shares a beautiful photo with me from the collection that she has made!  This year's knockout image is a Spicebush Swallowtail butterfly on a tiger lily. Awesome!  THANK YOU, Karla! 

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