Mom ate a very light breakfast this morning — only a few pieces of canteloupe and a few bites of the Multi-grain Cheerio's cereal that I poured for her. The indigestion/ heartburn problem that she's had off-and-on for the past few months returned in full-force last night and this morning. Her GP (Chang, Internal Medicine specialist), thought it might be caused by a stomach ulcer, but the endoscopy showed none. Dad thought it might be due to her scant eating habits not putting enough food in her stomach at a time, thereby causing an overabundance of stomach acids that had no food on which to work. My brother and I are thinking it might be due to the shocking quantity of salt that she adds to most of the foods that she eats. She's had an intermittent history of GRD ("Acid Reflux") and it might be that problem surfacing again. She has another appointment scheduled with her GP in a little over a week, and I definitely hope we can revisit this problem with him then.
Carolyn, an RN from P.Co.Home.Health came by the house today to talk to Mom, Dad, and me. She is a lovely lady and we had a nice, relaxed visit with her while she became acquainted with Mom and Dad's health situation. She inspected the incision left from Mom's colectomy and said that it was healing very nicely. After all the paperwork and questions, she said that one of their nurses would stop by the house two or three times a week to check Mom's vital signs, inspect he incision, and access Mom's progress.
Due to the indigestion/heartburn, she ate an incredibly sparse supper — only a couple of bites of au gratin potatoes, a bite or two of a salmon pattie, a few bites of a piece of potato bread, and one bite of yogurt. That's it. Srsly.

Beautimous daisies on a birthday card, snagged by my trusty camera phone.
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