Tuesday, September 16, 2008


The physical therapists came back today and had Mom walk from the chair all the way to the door of her hospital room and back, assisted by the two of them and a wheeled walker. As they were getting her back into the chair, a nurse came around and said that Mom actually went to the bathroom this morning and had a small bowel movement and expelled some of the gas that has been inside her since the surgery! They took out the NG tube that had been pumping out the stomach acid to keep her from throwing up, and let her have a popsicle!  The last check of Mom's hemoglobin was 11.1, and they are planning to draw some blood and test it again, as well as other things, later today.  It is great to see such progress! 

She still seems a bit "out of it" today, but that is because of an unrelated medical condition.

Two more positive notes...

My brother is in town for a short visit! I picked him up at the airport last night and he is up at the hospital visiting Mom today with Dad and me. Mom was visibly cheered by his visit! Unfortunately, he has to return in the morning because of some business that requires his time and attention. He brought a lovely pink azalea plant today for Mom (see photo, although my little camera-phone doesn't do them justice).

Also, my hip is doing much better today!  It still isn't back to 100% as it was before, but it isn't hurting nearly as badly as it was!

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