Wednesday, September 17, 2008


Got up at 3:30 am this morning to take my brother back to the airport. We left the house just after 4:00 am, drove to the airport, and I was back at the house by 6:00 am to get in the shower and begin getting ready to visit Mom at the hospital today with Dad.

Mom slept a good bit this morning until the Physical Therapists got her up for a walk and a trip to the bathroom. She mostly dozed for quite a while afterwards. During the early-to-mid afternoon, she began flaking out and getting confused again.  She kept picking at her IV and wouldn't stop until she finally pulled the damned thing out. Completely. 

Because they took the catheter out of her yesterday and knew there was still a chance of her wetting herself until she gets used to being without the catheter again, they had this "Depends" thing on her. It was a good that they did that because she used it, and not exactly for the purpose for which it was originally intended. On the good side, she did have another decent bowel movement.

I rang for the nurse who came to the room, took Mom back to the bathroom and helped her get cleaned-up and settled afterwards.  She reported to Dr. Wheeler that Mom had pulled her own IV out and that Mom's bowels were working more normally now, so he suggested that we try moving her into juices, jellos, and broth immediately.  It is almost suppertime now, and I am curious to see what they bring her.  I just hope they remember that she is on a "Fish-a-tarian" diet (vegetarian, but will eat fish).

A smiley-face made from pepper, left on his plate by my brother to brighten the day of the kitchen staff at the hospital.  It seems he succeeded — one of the kitchen crew told me this morning that his smiley face made a HUGE hit yesterday evening! One of them made a photo of the plate with their camera-phone, and they plan to print it out and hang it up in the kitchen!

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