Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Salad Pizazz

OMG, this stuff is so good!  If you love salads as much as my sweetie and I do, you will go nuts over this wonderful salad topping!

There are several different blends/flavors available to add fruity/nutty goodness to your salads:

   • Asian Medley
   • Cherry Cranberry Pecano
   • Honey Toasted Delites
   • Orange Cranberry Almondine
   • Raspberry Cranberry Walnut Frisco
   • Tomato 'N Bacon Parmesano
   • Tomato Pinenut Tuscano

The ones we have tried so far are in a spiffy color, and we are anxious to try the others!

Look for this stuff in the "Produce" section of your favorite grocery store, and if you don't see it, ask for it!  They also have a website, by the way, with recipes, "where to buy," and such.

© 2008 Sapphire Words @

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Sacred Texts

As I switch from Shankara's Crest-Jewel of Discrimination to Edward Abbey's Beyond the Wall, I realize that there are no "sacred" texts — everything is a sacred text.

© 2008 Sapphire Words @

Monday, April 28, 2008

How to sing like a planet

fabulous article from the April 23, 2008, edition of
the San Francisco Chronicle, by columnist Mark Morford
© 2008 Hearst Communications, Inc.

"This is the kind of thing we forget.

"This is the kind of thing that, given all our distractions, our celeb obsessions and happy drugs and bothersome trifles like family and bills and war and health care and sex and love and porn and breathing and death, tends to fly under the radar of your overspanked consciousness, only to be later rediscovered and brought forth and placed directly in front of your eyeballs, at least for a moment, so you can look, really look, and go, oh my God, I had no idea.

"The Earth is humming. Singing. Churning out a tune without the aid of battery or string or wind-up mechanism and its song is ethereal and mystifying and very, very weird, a rather astonishing, newly discovered phenomena that's not easily analyzed, but which, if you really let it sink into your consciousness, can change the way you look at everything.

"Indeed, scientists now say the planet itself is generating a constant, deep thrum of noise. No mere cacophony, but actually a kind of music, huge, swirling loops of sound, a song so strange you can't really fathom it, so low it can't be heard by human ears, chthonic roars churning from the very water and wind and rock themselves, countless notes of varying vibration creating all sorts of curious tonal phrases that bounce around the mountains and spin over the oceans and penetrate the tectonic plates and gurgle in the magma and careen off the clouds and smack into trees and bounce off your ribcage and spin over the surface of the planet in strange circular loops, 'like dozens of lazy hurricanes,' as one writer put it.

"It all makes for a very quiet, otherworldly symphony so odd and mysterious, scientists still can't figure out exactly what's causing it or why the hell it's happening. Sure, sensitive instruments are getting better at picking up what's been dubbed 'Earth's hum,' but no one's any closer to understanding what the hell it all might mean. Which, of course, is exactly as it should be.

"Because then, well, then you get to crank up your imagination, your mystical intuition, your poetic sensibility — and if there's one thing we're lacking in modern America, it's ... well, you know.

"Me, I like to think of the Earth as essentially a giant Tibetan singing bowl, flicked by the middle finger of God and set to a mesmerizing, low ring for about 10 billion years until the tone begins to fade and the vibration slows and eventually the sound completely disappears into nothingness and the birds are all, hey what the hell happened to the music? And God just shrugs and goes, well that was interesting.

"Or maybe the planet is more like an enormous wine glass, half full of a heady potion made of horny unicorns and divine lubricant and perky sunshine, around the smooth, gleaming rim of which Dionysus himself circles his wet fingertip, generating a mellifluous tone that makes the wood nymphs dance and the satyrs orgasm and the gods hum along as they all watch 7 billion confused human ants scamper about with their lattes and their war and their perpetually adorable angst, oblivious.

"But most of all, I believe the Earth actually (and obviously) resonates, quite literally, with the Hindu belief in the divine sound of OM (or more accurately, AUM), that single, universal syllable that contains and encompasses all: birth and death, creation and destruction, being and nothingness, rock and roll, Christian and pagan, meat and vegetable, spit and swallow. You know?

"But here's the best part: This massive wave of sound? The Earth's deep, mysterious OM, it's perpetual hum of song? Totally normal — that is, if by "normal" you mean "unfathomably powerful and speaking to a vast mystical timelessness we can't possibly comprehend."

"Indeed, all the spheres do it, all the planets and all the quasars and stars and moons and whirlpool galaxies, all vibrating and humming like a chorus of wayward deities singing sea shanties in a black hole. It's nothing new, really: Mystics and poets and theorists have pondered the "music of the spheres" (or musica universalis) for eons; it is the stuff of cosmic philosophy, linking sacred geometry, mathematics, cosmology, harmonics, astrology and music into one big cosmological poetry slam.

"Translation: You don't have to look very far to understand that human beings — hell, all animals, really — adore song and music and tone and rhythm, and then link this everyday source of life straight to the roar of the planet itself, and then back out to the cosmos.

"In other words, you love loud punk? Metal? Jazz? Deep house? Saint-Saens with a glass of Pinot in the tub? Sure you do. That's because somewhere, somehow, deep in your very cells and bones and DNA, it links you back to source, to the Earth's own vibration, the pulse of the cosmos. Oh yes it does. To tap your foot and sway your body to that weird new Portishead tune is, in effect, to sway it to the roar of the universe. I mean, obviously.

"At some point we'll probably figure it all out. Science will, with its typical charming, arrogant certainty, sift and measure and quantify this 'mystical' Earthly hum, and tell us it merely comes from, say, ocean movements, or solar wind, or 10 billion trees all deciding to grow a quarter millimeter all at once. We will do as we always do: oversimplify, peer through a single lens of understanding, stick this dazzling phenomenon in a narrow category, and forget it.

"How dangerously boring. I much prefer, in matters mystical and musical and deeply cosmic, to tell the logical mind to shut up and let the soul take over and say, wait wait wait, maybe most humans have this divine connection thing all wrong. Maybe God really isn't some scowling gay-hating deity raining down guilt and judgment and fear on all humankind after all.

"Maybe she's actually, you know, a throb, a pulse, a song, deep, complex, eternal. And us, well, we're just bouncing and swaying along as best we can, trying to figure out the goddamn melody."

© 2008 Sapphire @

Sunday, April 27, 2008

One year at my present job!

So, I've been at my job for one year, today!  w00t!

Business slowed-down drastically over the winter and we were behind on so many bills that I seriously wondered if we would make it through the crunch.  We're not in good shape yet by any stretch of the imagination, but at least we made it through the slow season and business is beginning to pick-up once again.  We shall have to wait and see what the future holds.

But for now, I'm still there and I am appreciated for what I do.

© 2008 Sapphire @

Saturday, April 26, 2008

De Phazz: Jazz with a turntable

from the National Public Radio (NPR) web site, © 2008 NPR

The music of German DJ Pit Baumgartner — a.k.a. De Phazz — is a bit hard to categorize. Calling it "jazz with a turntable," De Phazz samples and remixes music he finds just about anywhere, from Ella Fitzgerald hits to 10 cent flea market records. The outcome is both surprising and seamless.

Baumgartner plays a hybrid of electronic dance music and jazz while touring with his band and recording albums, but most of the time he works as a remixer — most notably for the Verve Remix Series — reworking classic songs by Ella Fitzgerald, Kurtis Blow and Boy George.

Baumgartner describes himself as more of a musical collage artist than composer or instrumentalist. "It's a collage thing. I love to bring things together that normally don't fit." he explains. "My music, it joins you while you are doing something. It gives you space to not listen to it immediately or constantly. But if you listen to it constantly and deeper, you should have some little pearls to find."

The artist's latest album is Tales of Trust, a solo effort that gave Baumgartner the freedom to move beyond the live band format. He says experimenting with the song dictates how it will turn out. "At a certain point the song gives you the direction. The song tells you 'listen I need a trumpet' or 'I don't need nothing, I'm an instrumental song' and then it goes by itself."

It's those combinations that Baumgartner finds most interesting. He says, "I don't think that somebody really invents new music. I don't think that's possible. There's so much music — in the train, the supermarket and the airport. I can't really tell you, 'Am I composing this or did I hear this just two days before somewhere?'"

in addition to the two songs on NPR's site, you
can listen to more music by De Phazz on Last·FM

© 2008 Sapphire @

Friday, April 25, 2008

Support women in the workplace!

Lilly Ledbetter worked 19 years at Goodyear before she learned the men at her level were earning far more for the same work. She sued, and stood up for inequality by taking her case all the way to the Supreme Court—where five male justices ruled her claim invalid because she filed it more than 180 days after the discrimination started. Now, Senator McCain is blocking a vote on legislation to correct this injustice—and in the process, he seems willing to roll back 50 years of women's rights.

 McCain said the gap between the pay of women and men in this country isn't due to discrimination. Women just need more "education and training" to earn as much as men.

Another vote will be called soon, possibly within days. If we can stop senators like John McCain from blocking a vote on the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act, the bill, which has already passed the House, will surely pass the Senate as well.

I have sent a letter to Senator McCain's office via the Credo Action site, and I'm asking all my blog readers to please stand up for the rights of women in the workplace!

...and please, whatever you do, don't vote for the Re·THUG·licans!

© 2008 Sapphire @

Thursday, April 24, 2008

My husband received news last night that his Aunt Gussie passed away.

She was elderly and had some of the many health-related problems that come with advanced years.  She'd just had a  knee-replacement surgery and came through it with flying colors.  Rather than using general anesthesia, her surgeon ordered a "nerve block" to her leg so that she would remain awake during the procedure.  The doctors and nurses had her up and walking as soon as possible after her post-surgical rest.  She had to take things slow-and-easy, of course, but seemed to be doing well.

From all the information that we received last night, it appears that she attempted to get out of her hospital bed by herself yesterday to go to the bathroom.  We do not know if she was too stubborn to ring for a nurse to come help her, or whether she wasn't thinking clearly because of the medications and her age.  At any rate, she fell to the floor, hit her head on something, and that triggered hemorrhaging which the doctors could not stop in time.

My husband would go by the nursing home where she was staying and spend some time with her occasionally, visiting as well as discussing her current financial concerns (an area in which he dutifully assisted her for many years).  I know he feels a sense of loss that she is no longer in this world.  Even though the two of them weren't incredibly close, he appreciates the value of family.

Odd as it might seem to some people, I never met Aunt Gussie — he and I haven't been together all that long, and I always thought it best to let them spend their time with each other one-on-one rather than my tagging along and mucking things up.  From all that I have heard, though, she had a colorful personality, loved to shop, and thrived on excitement right up to the end.  Sounds to me like she had a full life, one that should be celebrated rather than mourned at her passing.

So, goodbye, Aunt Gussie — I hope there's a good place for you to shop where you are now!

© 2008 Sapphire @

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Do you believe in God?

It always amazes me when people ask the question, "Do you believe in God?" The amazing thing is that when this question is asked, the querent usually is not actually asking what they are really trying to determine. What they really mean is, "Do you believe in the same God in which I believe? Is your image of God the same image as mine?"

Any hesitation to give an emphatically positive answer is usually met with a sad shake of the head and the presupposition that — conveniently enough — some demon is "clouding your vision," preventing you from seeing things their way (which, of course, is the only "proper" way). Then, the querent usually states that they will pray for you, presumptuously, without ever asking permission to do so.

The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines "evangelism" as:
1. the winning or revival of personal commitments to Christ
2. miltant or crusading zeal
The same dictionary defines "militant" as:
1. engaged in warfare or combat
2. aggressively active (as in a cause)
Warfare? Combat? Agression? Why does any religion or spiritual path have to be "aggressive?" If their message is actually the Truth, then everyone will clearly see that it is Truth, and no aggression need be involved. Aggression is only necessary when there is resistance and doubt. Warfare, combat, and aggression are tools that help you to force others into submitting to your desires.

Truth is spread through Peace. Lies are spread though aggression.

And speaking of the narrow-minded "my way or the highway" mentality, why does any religion or spiritual path purport to have a limited view of the Divine? Isn't that really a contradiction in terms? Looking again to Merriam-Webster's dictionary, we find the definition of "God" as:
1. the supreme or ultimate reality, as the Being perfect in power, wisdom, and goodness who is worshiped as creator and ruler of the universe
Wow! How can mere, mortal mankind wrap Something as vast and humanly incomprehensible as "God" into one tidy "this is it!" package?

The Hindu religion believes in one God, called "Atman." They further believe that "Atman" is so incomprehensible that there are literally thousands of "faces" which this Being has chosen to show Itself down through the ages. Some of these faces are masculine, such as that of Brahma or Vishnu, and some of these faces are feminine, such as Parvati or Laxmi. But the Hindus do not worship many gods — only that one, Atman, for everything is Atman, deep down inside.

I, too, believe that "God" can manifest in different ways — as "YHWH" to the Jewish people, as "Allah" to the Muslims, as "God" to the Christians, as "Ra" to the ancient Egyptians, as "Gaia" to some of the Pagans, and as a vague "spirit of Universal Consciousness" to us Buddhists.

Do I believe in God?

Do I believe in your image of God?
Probably not. Any way that the Divine has manifested to you is perfectly valid, but it might not necessarily be the same image with which the Divine has manifested Presence to me.

I spread this writing in the spirit of PEACE and loving-kindness towards ALL viewpoints that do not aggressively try to extinguish another. In Peace, so mote it be.

© 2008 Sapphire @

Friday, April 18, 2008


I like music.
Lots of music.
Different kinds of music.

Someone recently linked me to a site that has free — and legal! — MP3 music files on it and I'm having a blast with that site! According to their "About Us" page, they are " interactive, multimedia music magazine showcasing artists from more than 600 independent and major labels."

A lot of the bands there are indies that fall into the "garage" category, which is always a wonderful grab-bag of eclectic sounds. However, there are more mainstream artists like Afrika Bambaataa, Ani DiFranco, Garbage, Green Day, Radiohead, Red Snapper, and others! w00t! Give a listen!

© 2008 Sapphire @

Thursday, April 17, 2008

As a Buddhist, I watched several of the shows in Bill Moyers' Faith and Reason series with great interest.  I was impressed by several of the shows, but wanted to post a couple of quotes from one of them here, mostly so I would not forget them.

That show featured Pema Chödrön, a Buddhist nun and author.  I have one of her books, by the way, and it is outstanding. One thing she said on the show that was particularly noteworthy was:
"It isn't the things that happen to us in our lives that cause us to suffer, it's how we relate to the things that happen to us that causes us to suffer."
In response to Bill Moyers' question, "How do you experience 'god?' Ms. Chödrön answered:
"That open space of mind that allows for ultimate possibilities and doesn't narrow down into a security-based, or fear-based, view where my way has to have precedence."
That is all for now, but I might post other quotes from the series in the future.

© 2008 Sapphire @

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Music Player

There is now a "Flash" music player on the "Music" page (under "About Me" on the menu) of my personal Web site. I have loaded the player with some favorite tracks from my personal music collection. By hovering the mouse over different sections of the listing, you can scroll up or down to see what is there and select an individual track. You can also just click the "Play" button and let the music roll while you do something else!

There is a variety of music there because my tastes in music are so varied. My personal music collection ranges from Beethoven to Bananarama, from Black Sabbath to Bob Marley, from BT to Blondie, from Basia to Butthole Surfers. You can expect the selection of songs to change periodically as new songs are added and others are retired.

To check out the music player now, click on the image to the right of this blog entry!

© 2008 Sapphire @

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Anti and the Gods

One of the peeps on my "Friends List" on MySpace has started a "band" page and uploaded some of his music! The compositions lean towards the "electronica-industrial-grunge" genre, and I find them to be very creative! I am anxious to see what he comes up with next!

Click on the banner below to check out his page. If you like his work, please "Right-Click" on the banner to save it to your computer and then use it on your page/blog or in a "Bulletin" to help spread the word!

© 2008 Sapphire @

Pimp your feet!

MySpace (and other free sites) are free because of advertising, so I don’t mind occasionally clicking on the nicer-looking advertisers’ links to see what they have to offer.   If the occasional clicks help keep MySpace free, then it is well worth it!  The ad below really caught my eye because the shoes are cute-as-heck!

The parent company is "Run Athletics," which according to the "About Us" info on their site was "launched in fall 2003 by Hip Hop visionary Russell Simmons and his brother Joseph Simmons, (a.k.a Rev Run) former member of rap group RUN DMC."I always thought RUN DMC was cool, and these shoes are super-cool!  I don’t think I would ever pay this much for a pair of sneakers, but hey, they’re awesome to lookit, at least!

© 2008 Sapphire @