Saturday, April 4, 2009

Snap My Life! allows people to upload photos directly from their cell phones, both for storage as well as for sharing with family/friends. I have really had fun recently posting my own photos there as well as peeking at photos uploaded by others all over the globe. If you're interested, my profile can be found at

Snap My Life!

A while back, I joined a site on the Internet where I can upload photos from my cell phone for (1) storage and (2) for sharing with family/friends who might wish to visit the site. It is also interesting for me to look at photos uploaded by others.

For those interested, my profile is:

© 2009 Sapphire Words @

Friday, November 28, 2008


For those of you who have been patiently waiting for an update, here it is.  I am still at Mom & Dad's, taking care of them until we can decide, as a family, what the heck we're going to do. Even my parents reluctantly agree that they cannot continue living by themselves any longer, given the physical limitations of both of them coupled with the mental confusion/dementia (?) that my mother has been exhibiting to a marked degree since the surgery. Her doctor ordered a CT-scan last week to determine whether the surgery triggered a stroke — he said that was a very real possibility, and isn't unmusual in older persons who have surgery. We are waiting for the results of the scan and the follow-up appointment with her doctor in a few days.

Mom is doing much better on the physical level. She is finally eating and drinking again as she should be, and is able to move about the house on her own. The fecal incontinence has come to an end, thank goodness, but we still have small incidents of urinary incontinence. She isn't doing too well on the mental level, though. She is able to carry on conversations, but gets confused easily about where she is and what is happening around her. She can't usually follow even the briefest of new stories on the television without scrambling some of the details or becoming completely lost. Sometimes she thinks we're in another city or state, and seldom has any true concept of what time of day it is (even if she is looking at a clock). She also has no memory of anything that happened in the month or so after her surgery and remembers nothing about her behavior, refusal to eat/drink, and so forth. This is what led the doctor to suspect a stroke.

So, I am here, doing the cooking, dish-washing, laundry, grocery shopping, appointment keeping, and other daily tasks to keep the household running. While here, I have no Internet connection unless I schlep the laptop to McDonald's, the library, or some other location. McDonald's is the closest, even though I have to pay $3 for a 2-hour block of time. To get a FREE connection, I have to drive to the next town over which takes more time and gas, so it's a toss-up as to which is the best option. When I hit  McDonald's to  WiFi, as I am doing tonight, I call it McWebbing.  So, that is the reason for the spotty blog posts lately, the lack of my presence online, and my failure to keep up with the blogs of all you good peeps. I am anxious for this nightmare to be over and to return to my own home, my darling husband, my own bed, my job, and my life!

A sticker on my car. And, yes, we do. 

© 2008 Sapphire Words @

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

There is hope!


© 2008 Sapphire Words @

Thursday, October 23, 2008


It is simply impossible to continue blogging the highlights of every single day, especially when some days leave me so little free time or so exhausted.

That is all.


Laptop keyboards suck, but it's better than
not having a keyboard at all!

© 2008 Sapphire Words @

Sunday, October 19, 2008

The fairer faucet

Last night, I washed a few dishes in the sink and setup the coffee pot before going to bed. When I pulled the handle downwards on the kitchen faucet to turn the stream of water off, it would not stop. I played with it for a bit, but there was always a steady stream of water coming out of the nozzle regardless of how the handle was positioned. I finally discovered that if the handle were pushed downwards and held very firmly, the stream of water reduced to a rather steady drip. Being that I have a Bachelor of Science degree in Jury Rigging (courtesy of my father's genes), I took a piece of sewing elastic from my mother's stash, inserted a couple of safety pins to make a tight band, and wrapped it around the faucet's nozzle and handle, making as tight a seal as I could to keep it from running all night.

I have never repaired a faucet in my life. That task has always been performed by my father, a husband, a clever female roommate, or a plumber. Today, though, my gift of sight coupled with my father's expertise allowed us to change the seals in the faucet together and get the water working properly again!

Life's a whirl. Come ride the merry-go-round!

© 2008 Sapphire Words @

Friday, October 17, 2008


There once was a boy from Quebec
Who was buried in snow to the neck
When they asked, "Are you friz?"
He replied, "Yes, I is,
But we don't call this cold in Quebec!"

Speaking of the cold, today a cold front is moving through the area and the temperature has been dropping sharply the past few hours. And speaking of Quebec, I heard the first Canadian Goose this morning, honking on its migratory path towards warmer weather. Would that I could go south to warmer weather with him. 

A closeup of a flower that appears as a design on one of my nightgowns.
I thought it was pretty.
So there.

© 2008 Sapphire Words @